This page is current as of January 1, 2024.
If you have a specific piece you’re interested in, please call (303-394-3362) before coming in. Penney does refresh her work regularly and it normally takes us a few days to update this page.
We can ship Penney’s pieces. Once you purchase a piece, we’ll transport it to the shipper for packing & shipping. The shipper will call you with a price based on size, weight, and destination, and you pay them directly.
Small ceramic masks. $110
Size of pieces vary but the largest height is 4.5″ and width 4″
Penney is a local Denver artist.
Characters $110
Smallest pieces, sizes vary but none taller than 6.25″ or wider than 4″
Medium Sized Ceramics
Sizes vary, please call for exact sizing if needed
Large Size Ceramics
Extra Large Ceramics